
Double Stallion

Double Stallion est un studio de développement de jeux vidéo basé à Montréal et animé par de nombreux talents. Nous concevons des expériences uniques. Notre mission : élaborer pour les joueurs du monde entier, des jeux d’action dynamiques et novateurs ! Nous sommes avant tout des joueurs et joueuses passionnés prenant plaisir à proposer des histoires emblématiques et du gameplay exaltant, le tout soutenu par une direction artistique audacieuse.

http://dblstallion.com info@dblstallion.com 514 746-5497

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Featured games

Conv/rgence: A League of Legends Story, is a single-player, action-platformer game being developed by Double Stallion Games in partnership with Riot Games’ new label, Riot Forge. Players will explore the spectacular world of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time. Conv/rgence: A League of Legends Story, will follow the journey of Ekko, a fan-favourite LoL Champion, as he discovers that the power to change time comes with many consequences.

All our games(4)

Speed Brawl

Speed Brawl is a 2D combat-racer about moving fast and hitting hard! Maintain your momentum, build your combos, and unleash…

Speed Brawl

Sonic The Hedgehog meets Streets of Rage in a Dystopian Victorian England.

2018Speed Brawl is a 2D combat-racer about moving fast and hitting hard! Maintain your momentum, build your combos, and unleash…

Big Action Mega Fight

How fast can you SMASH?

2016Big Action Mega Fight! is a classic single player beat ’em up/brawler with a modern twist! Hilarious 2D cartoon combat…


Conv/rgence: A League of Legends Story, is a single-player, action-platformer game being developed by Double Stallion Games in partnership with…

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